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Privacy Policy

Page updated: February 2021

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This policy, together with our Terms and Conditions and Cookies policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us will be processed by BES (BES Ltd).

Payment Protection and Security

To ensure that your credit/ debit card is not being used fraudulently our payment provider Braintree (Braintree is a service of PayPal) will actively check the address you provide along with the CV2 value you entered against the card issuer’s records. In performing these actions, your address and CV2 will be sent to the card issuers systems. The card issuer will then return a response indicating if it has matched or not. We are not responsible for the values returned.

If you are applying for a credit facility from BES, we will perform additional checks on the information you provide to confirm your identity. In performing these actions personal information such as your name and address may be disclosed to a registered Credit Reference Agency. You can rest assured that this is done solely to confirm your identity.

By placing an order or requesting credit with BES you accept our Terms and Conditions and accordingly consent to such checks being made. Our website does not handle any part of the card processing checks. We therefore do not hold or interact, wholly or partly, with any card information you supply during the checkout process. This is done by design to help protect your card information.


What information will BES collect about me and how will it be used

As your data controller, when you place an order with BES whether that is online, over the phone or at our premises; register on our website, send us an email, review a product on our website, submit a form on our website, complete a survey or enter any competition or promotion, we will need to know some personal information such as your name, address, email and telephone number. By supplying this information you consent to our use of the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Online Registration


In order to use certain features on our website, such as the Shopping List and have the Basket store items between visits, you will be required to create an account using our online registration form.

Item Purpose
Email Address We use this to check you’re a real person (not a robot) and for security, so only you can access your BES Account. No one else will be able to see your email. Your email address also lets you reset your password if you forget it. And it means we can get in touch if we need to tell you about something new, like a change to our Terms and Conditions.
Password Your password helps keep your account secure, so other people can’t get into it. Make sure it’s hard to guess and is at least 6 characters long.
First name We ask everyone for their first name. This is used to identify the individual to whom the account belongs. We use this name when contacting you.
Last name We ask everyone for their last name. This is used to identify the individual to whom the account belongs . We use this name when contacting you.
Profession/Business Type This helps us see how different sections of industry use BES. It also helps us check that we’re stocking products which are relevant to the type of business registering online.
BES Account Code If provided it will allow access to credit facilities you may have been granted. It is the main link between our online and offline systems.  
How did you hear about BES This helps us understand what marketing activities are generating interest in BES.
Email This preference allows BES to contact you via Email
SMS This preference allows BES to contact you via SMS
Post This preference allows BES to contact you via Post
Display VAT This sets your preference to see prices with or without VAT included.
Product Images This sets your preference to view products with Line or Photo images.

Placing an Order


If you’re wishing to place an order with BES, we will need to collect some additional personal information to facilitate the delivery and invoicing of your goods. This information is essential for successful fulfilment and will be passed to our couriers.

You have two choices for providing BES you're address. The first is by entering the address manually and the second is by using the "Find Address" feature. This service is provided by GBG UK. View their privacy policy here

Address data

Item Purpose
First and last name We ask everyone for their first and last name. This is used identify the individual for whom the Invoice or Delivery is intended
Telephone This required field is used as our main point of contact should we need to get in touch with issues relating to either Invoicing or Delivery. If a mobile number is provided our couriers may offer you tracking alerts. These preferences can be controlled via their website.
Email This optional field is used to send you your invoices or to send you order confirmations, tracking information, depending on whether it’s associated with the invoice or delivery address.
Your Fax number This optional field is used to contact you if you prefer to use Fax
Find Address We use the postcode provided solely for the purpose of looking up your address.
Company The name of your Company
Property Number House/Building name or number
Address Line 1 Invoice/Delivery Address Line 1
Address Line 2 Invoice/Delivery Address Line 2
City Invoice/Delivery City
County Invoice/Delivery County
Country Invoice/Delivery Country
Postcode Invoice/Delivery Postcode

UPS Access Point™

Item Purpose
Enter a city, town or postcode Used to provide a lookup of locally available UPS Access Points™
Personal address This is the address identifying the individual collecting the package.

Additional Delivery Information

Item Purpose
Your reference This can be anything up to 20 characters
Special delivery instructions This can be anything up to 60 characters

Having your goods delivered?


Depending on the size and/or weight of your order, BES will send your goods out via one of 3 couriers, UPS, Royal Mail or Tuffnells.


UPS are the main courier that we use. View their Privacy Policy

Item Purpose
Name The name of person to receive the delivery
Address Line 1 Delivery Address Line 1
Address Line 2 Delivery Address Line 2
Address Line 3 Delivery Address Line 3
Address Line 4 Delivery Address Line 4
Postcode Delivery Postcode
Telephone Number Delivery Telephone Number
Special Instructions Delivery Special Instructions
Service Option Denotes the type of delivery, Next Day, Saturday, Pre Noon etc..
Delivery Number A unique number for each delivery
Order Number A unique number for each order
Email address The customer’s delivery email address. This is where dispatch and tracking emails are delivered to.
Royal Mail

Royal Mail are a courier BES use for delivering smaller items. View their Privacy Policy

Item Purpose
Name The name of person to receive the delivery
Address Line 1 Delivery Address Line 1
Address Line 2 Delivery Address Line 2
Address Line 3 Delivery Address Line 3
Address Line 4 Delivery Address Line 4
Postcode Delivery Postcode
Telephone Number Delivery Telephone Number
Special Instructions Delivery Special Instructions
Service Option Denotes the type of delivery, Next Day, Saturday, Pre Noon etc..
Delivery Number A unique number for each delivery
Order Number A unique number for each order
Email address The customer’s delivery email address. This is where dispatch and tracking emails are delivered to.

Tuffnells are a courier BES use for delivering oversized items. View their Privacy Policy

Item Purpose
Name The name of person to receive the delivery
Address Line 1 Delivery Address Line 1
Address Line 2 Delivery Address Line 2
Address Line 3 Delivery Address Line 3
Address Line 4 Delivery Address Line 4
Postcode Delivery Postcode
Telephone Number Delivery Telephone Number
Special Instructions Delivery Special Instructions
Service Option Denotes the type of delivery, Next Day, Saturday, Pre Noon etc..
Delivery Number A unique number for each delivery
Order Number A unique number for each order
Email address The customer’s delivery email address. This is where dispatch and tracking emails are delivered to.

Technology Partners


BES uses third parties (data processor) to process some of your information on our behalf. BES require that these third parties comply strictly with our instructions and we require that they NEVER use your personal information for their own business or marketing purposes.



If you have opted to receive marketing emails then we will share limited information with MailChimp solely for the purposes of delivering your requested content.

Item Purpose
Email Address of where the correspondence is to be sent.
First name Sometimes we may personalise the emails we send you by including your first name
Last name Sometimes we may personalise the emails we send you by including your last name
Status This flag is used to set the subscription status for a particular customer. With the value set to unsubscribed MailChimp is unable to send you emails
You can opt out of receiving marketing emails by unticking the “Email” Contact Preference located in the Account area of the website.



All of our transactional emails are handled by Mandrill. These includes:- Order Acknowledgement, Abandoned Cart Notification, Account Registration, Password Reset and Change Notification and Catalogue Request, Invoices, Dispatch and Tracking Confirmations.


Account Registration
Item Purpose
Customer Email The email address of the customer account created during registration.


Password Reset and Change Notifications
Item Purpose
Customer Email The email address of the customer whose password is to be reset
Reset Password URL The password reset URL to be pulled into the email template, from where a customer will link through to BES and is prompted to update/reset their password.


Order Acknowledgements
Item Purpose
Customer Email The email address of the customer
Store Id Store ID
Order Id BES order number
PO Number Where the customer has supplied their own PO reference number
Customer Account Code The account code if known
Order Creation Date/Time Time and date that the order was submitted.
Order Coupon Code If the order contains a coupon code applied at checkout, this is the coupon code text
Order Currency Code Always GBP. Future use.
Delivery Method The selected delivery method name for the order
Delivery Cost The total delivery cost
Delivery Instructions Any special delivery instructions added to an order
Nominated Delivery Date Where nominated day delivery is selected
Store The BES store id associated to the order
Billing Title Invoice address title
Billing First Name Invoice address first name
Billing Surname Invoice address last name
Billing Company Invoice address company
Billing Address Line(s) Up to 2 lines of invoice street address, including house/flat name and numbers
Billing City Invoice address city
Billing County/Region Invoice address region/county
Billing Telephone Contact telephone number
Delivery Title Delivery address title
Delivery First Name Delivery address first name
Delivery Surname Delivery address last name
Delivery Company Delivery address company
Delivery Address Line(s) 2 lines of delivery street address, including house/flat name and numbers
Delivery City Delivery address city
Delivery County/Region Delivery address region/county
Delivery Country Delivery address country
Delivery Telephone Delivery telephone number
Is Access Point Flag indicating whether the order is an access point delivery
Access Point Title Person’s title collecting the order
Access Point First Name Person’s first name collecting the order
Access Point Surname Person’s surname collecting the order
Access Point Company Person’s company collecting the order
Access Point Address Line(s) Person’s street address collecting the order
Access Point City Person’s city collecting the order
Access Point County/Region Person’s county/region collecting the order
Access Point Country Person’s country collecting the order
Order Item SKU Order line item SKU
Order Item Name Order line item Name
Order Item QTY Order line item quantity ordered
Order Item Discount Order line item discount
Order Item Tax Order line item tax
Order Item Total Order line item sell price
Total Order Items Discount Total order items discount
Total Order Items Tax Total order items tax
Total Order Items Total order items
Delivery Total Discount Total delivery discount
Delivery Total Tax Total delivery tax
Delivery Total Total delivery
Order Total Discount Total order discount
Order Total Tax Total order tax including shipping
Order Total Total order value including VAT and shipping
Payment Method Payment method; i.e. PayPal, Credit/Debit Card, Pay on Account, Pay on Collection


Catalogue Requests
Item Purpose
Customer Email The email address of the customer
Customer First Name Customer first name
Customer Surname Customer surname
Delivery Company Company of the delivery address
Delivery Address Line(s) 2 lines of delivery street address, including house/flat name and numbers
Delivery City/Town Delivery city or postal town
Delivery County/Region Delivery postal region
Delivery Country Delivery country
Delivery Postcode Delivery postcode
Referral How the customer heard about BES
Profession Type of business
Email Subscription Yes/no
SMS Subscription Yes/no
Post Subscription Yes/no


Item Purpose
Account Number Account identifier
PO Number An optional value provided by the customer to assign with the order
Invoice Number A unique number assigned to all invoices
Dispatch Number A unique number assigned to all dispatched
Dispatch Date Date the goods were dispatched
Invoice Date Date the Invoice was generated
Invoice To The name and address for whom the Invoice is intended
Delivered To The name and address where the goods were delivered
VAT Code Vat Code
VAT Rate VAT Rate
Subtotal Total order before tax
VAT Total Total order tax including shipping
Total Total order value including VAT and shipping

Review Collection (ARC)

This is a service provided by which helps BES build trust in our brand for products we advertise on Google.

Invoices Purpose
Order Acknowledgement email This is a BCC of the customer’s order acknowledgement email, which will be used to send an invitation to the customer to review the products they purchased.

You can opt out by sending an email to with the subject “DO NOT SEND ME REVIEW INVITATIONS”

Google Analytics

This is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics sets a cookie in order to evaluate use of the website. This anonymous data helps BES better understand how our customers engage with the website.

View our full Cookies policy

You can opt out by following this link



Cookies and Google Analytics

View our full Cookies policy

Please note that the information we receive from Google Analytics does not identify any specific individual and is used purely for statistical reasons and to understand the browsing behaviour and patterns of our customers.  For example:  we may gather your IP address, operating system, browser version, how long you stay on a page, the route you took to navigate through the pages and the website you visited prior to accessing our site.

We also use cookies to perform cart and login actions. These are fundamental to the functionality of the BES website. If you wish to alter your cookies settings, you can do so via your web browser. Please find instructions on how to manage cookie for some of the most popular web browsers via our Cookies policy page.

You can opt out by following this link


Updating your details

As the data subject you can update any of the details you have provided us by visiting the Account area of the website. Alternatively, send an email to, or send a letter to BES Ltd, Unit 12, Junction 6 Industrial Park, Birmingham, B6 7JJ, instructing us of the changes to your information.  You can also call us on 0800 80 10 90.

Should you wish to access the personal information that we hold about you please write to us at the below postal address. Please include a brief description of the information you require and proof of identification. We will then respond to you within 1 month of the date of your request.

Please see How to contact BES Limited below.


How long we keep your personal information on file

We won't keep your personal data for longer than necessary, at which point we will delete or take steps to pseudonymisation your personal information.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, so you may wish to check it each time you submit personal information to BES. This privacy notice was last updated in February 2021.


How to contact BES Limited

If you would like to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy then please send an email to or call us on 0800 80 10 90 or write to:

Unit 12
Junction 6 Industrial Park
B6 7JJ

How to make a complaint

If you have already contacted BES and you are still not happy with the way we handle your personal data, you may contact the Information Commissioner's Office through their website


Glossary of terms used in this document

Data Controller a person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or will to be, processed.

Data Subject a natural person whose personal data is processed by a controller or processor

Cookies small text files stored on your computer when you access most websites on the internet. View our full Cookies policy

BCC The abbreviation BCC stands for blind carbon copy, and it is used to indicate people who will receive a copy of the message without disclosing it to other recipients.

Pseudonymisation The processing of personal data such that it can no longer be attributed to a single data subject