The Single Phase Electric Meter ECA2 MID is a compact, electronic credit meter designed for single-phase residential applications. It features an optical port compliant with IEC 629056-21, enabling convenient electronic data collection.
The meter is built to the standards set by the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2004/22/EC and is suitable for both import and export active energy measurement.
This single-phase meter operates on a nominal voltage of 220-240 V/50 Hz and offers a protection rating of IP52, ensuring reliable performance in residential settings.
With a class index of Class B to EN 50470-1-3 and a measurement scope that includes basic currents of 5, 10, 15, and 20A up to a maximum of 100A, this meter is both versatile and durable.
The Single Phase Electric Meter ECA2 MID offers precise energy measurement, an optical port for easy data access, and adherence to MID standards, making it ideal for residential energy monitoring. Phase Electric Meter & Appliance/Electric Meters & Meter Boxes226124131221
<p>The Single Phase Electric Meter ECA2 MID is a compact, electronic credit meter designed for single-phase residential applications. It features an optical port compliant with IEC 629056-21, enabling convenient electronic data collection.</p>
<p>The meter is built to the standards set by the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2004/22/EC and is suitable for both import and export active energy measurement.</p>
<p>This single-phase meter operates on a nominal voltage of 220-240 V/50 Hz and offers a protection rating of IP52, ensuring reliable performance in residential settings.</p>
<p>With a class index of Class B to EN 50470-1-3 and a measurement scope that includes basic currents of 5, 10, 15, and 20A up to a maximum of 100A, this meter is both versatile and durable.</p>
<p>The Single Phase Electric Meter ECA2 MID offers precise energy measurement, an optical port for easy data access, and adherence to MID standards, making it ideal for residential energy monitoring.</p>
<p>Alternative <a href="">Options</a> available.</p>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Benefits</span></p>
<ul style="list-style: circle outside; line-height: 110%;">
<li>Compact design with electronic data collection via optical port</li>
<li>MID compliance for accurate residential energy measurement</li>
<li>Wide range of basic currents, up to a maximum of 100A</li>
<li>IP52 protection rating for added durability</li>
<li>Meets BS EN 50680 1-3/+A1 standard</li>
<li>Protected to IP52 rating helping to limit dust ingress and water spray</li>
<li>Suitable for residential application on an electric single phase kWh</li>
Unbranded00 Phase Meterspecial_price:45.600000availability:Transactionalis_on_sales:Nosku:22277TransactionalSingle Phase MeterNo2227745.600000No{"Standards":"BS EN 50470 1-3/+A1","Class Index":"Class B to EN 50470-1-3","Current":"Basic: 5, 10, 15 and 20A, max. 100A","Dimensions":"H 91 x W 125 x D 40 mm","Meter Type":"Electric","Suitable Application":"Electronic single phase kWh","Type":"Single Phase Meter"}UnbrandedElectric