The Squeeze Off Tool - Up to 32mm is designed for safely clamping MDPE pipes, offering efficient control for pipe repairs or maintenance. This tool can also be adapted for smaller diameter plastic pipes by using a split pipe cover over the lower jaw or around the pipe, ensuring versatile use for various piping needs.
The product features a durable design for effective clamping, making it suitable for MDPE and plastic pipes up to 32mm.
Its adaptability with split pipe covers provides additional flexibility for smaller diameters.
The Squeeze Off Tool - Up to 32mm ensures secure clamping and adaptability for different pipe sizes, making it ideal for managing MDPE and plastic pipes. Off Tool - Up to 32mm & Equipment/Tools/Hand Tool/Wrenches & Pliers/Natural Gas & LPG/Natural Gas/Gas Pipes & Gas Pipe Fittings/MDPE Pipe8148841215931098055403788
<p>The Squeeze Off Tool - Up to 32mm is designed for safely clamping MDPE pipes, offering efficient control for pipe repairs or maintenance. This tool can also be adapted for smaller diameter plastic pipes by using a split pipe cover over the lower jaw or around the pipe, ensuring versatile use for various piping needs.</p>
<p>The product features a durable design for effective clamping, making it suitable for MDPE and plastic pipes up to 32mm.</p>
<p>Its adaptability with split pipe covers provides additional flexibility for smaller diameters.</p>
<p>The Squeeze Off Tool - Up to 32mm ensures secure clamping and adaptability for different pipe sizes, making it ideal for managing MDPE and plastic pipes.</p>
<p>Alternative <a href="">Options</a> available.</p>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Benefits</span></p>
<ul style="list-style: circle outside; line-height: 110%;">
<li>Clamps pipes up to 32mm</li>
<li>Suitable for MDPE and plastic pipes</li>
<li>Adaptable for smaller pipes</li>
<li>Easy to use during repairs or maintenance</li>
Unbranded00<p><br></p>facet_type:Squeeze Off Toolmanufacturer_part_no:SOTspecial_price:45.610000availability:Transactionalcampaign_additional_text3:Junepromo23campaign_category:Natural Gascampaign_now:31.2campaign_was:39.98is_on_sales:Noproducts_related:23059,23060,23061,23073,10484,10483,10486,23044,23613,21614,21615sku:24122Transactional<p><br></p>Junepromo23Natural Gas31.239.98Squeeze Off ToolNoSOT23059,23060,23061,23073,10484,10483,10486,23044,23613,21614,216152412245.610000No{"Size":"Up to 32 mm","Suitable Application":"Clamping MDPE or (with adaption) plastic pipe.","Type":"Squeeze Off Tool"}UnbrandedUp to 32 mm