The Boiler Buoy has been designed to be installed in the 21.5 mm solvent weld overflow pipe during installation, emergency call out or whilst performing an annual service visit. Freezing of the condensate discharge pipe causes most condensing boilers to lock out leaving the property without heating and in some cases could cause expensive boiler damage. The Boiler Buoy contains a RED float which, when showing, signals a blockage in the boiler condensate discharge pipe. The Boiler Buoy is designed to fit vertically in-line within the condensate pipe and has a built in tap to allow the condensate to be drained away safely by either an engineer or the property owner. The BB-1 kit consists of the Boiler Buoy and a 1.5 m length of 9.5 mm i.d. hose.
Space needed to fit into the pipework is only 120mm. Buoy BB-1 Condensate Bypass Valve Kit & Ventilation/Central Heating Supplies/Boiler Fittings, Supplies & Accessories7101212459<p>The Boiler Buoy has been designed to be installed in the 21.5 mm solvent weld overflow pipe during installation, emergency call out or whilst performing an annual service visit. Freezing of the condensate discharge pipe causes most condensing boilers to lock out leaving the property without heating and in some cases could cause expensive boiler damage.<br> The Boiler Buoy contains a RED float which, when showing, signals a blockage in the boiler condensate discharge pipe. The Boiler Buoy is designed to fit vertically in-line within the condensate pipe and has a built in tap to allow the condensate to be drained away safely by either an engineer or the property owner.<br> The BB-1 kit consists of the Boiler Buoy and a 1.5 m length of 9.5 mm i.d. hose.</p><p>Space needed to fit into the pipework is only 120mm.<br></p>Unbranded00 Valvespecial_price:27.990000availability:Transactionalcampaign_label:coldis_on_sales:Nosku:20933TransactionalcoldBypass ValveNo2093327.990000No{"Connection":"21.5 mm","Type":"Bypass Valve"}Unbranded